- 19.00 Doors open
- 19.15 Seasonal Matters Rural Relations - (Field)notes on rhythms, rituals and cohabitation by Seasonal Neighbours (Anastasia Eggers, Ciel Grommen, Max Rooyakkers, Ioana Lupascu)
- 20.00 Superstorm - Design and Politics in the Age of Information by Noemi Biasetton
- 21.00 Bubbles
Seasonal Matters Rural Relations - (Field)notes on rhythms, rituals and cohabitation by Seasonal Neighbours
Seasonal Matters Rural Relations is a book that reconsiders contemporary rural challenges through relationships rather than oppositions. Based on seasonal work experiences, it delves into the realm of contemporary agriculture and European labour migration, exploring the socio-political implications on rhythms, rituals, and cohabitation in Europe's countryside.
The collective Seasonal Neighbours will casually flip though the book together with the audience while reading from the stills on an unfinished film and other contributions, and reflecting on the ethical and political questions raised by the members during their process.
Superstorm - Design and Politics in the Age of Information by Noemi Biasetton
The Superstorm is a conceptual and narrative metaphor to illustrate the evolution of the relationship between political communication and new media technologies, which culminated in the tempestuous Western political visual culture of today. Within this vortex, complex and unexpected events occur, where politics is mixed with entertainment and communication is hyper-mediated through algorithms, memes and alternative realities.
In this presentation, Noemi Biasetton will trace the development of the Superstorm from the 1960s to the present through relevant case studies, and propose new coordinates that designers may consider in order to, eventually, face its relentless evolution.