Book Presentations
Join us for engaging book presentations as Onomatopee presents its latest titles!
Book presentation project
Book presentation project
Book launch Nocturnalities: Bargaining Beyond Rest at San Serriffe

Join us for the book launch of Nocturnalities: Bargaining Beyond Rest at San Serriffe Friday,17 January between 6-8 PM.
This new publication delves into the politics of rest within the European art world and aims to contextualize themes of sleep, exhaustion, anxiety, and precarity within the realms of cultural labour, knowledge production, and cultural institutional operations.
This anthology, conceptualized, curated and edited by Andrea Knezović and Agata Bar, presents different reflections and knowledge exchanges related to public and intimate care strategies through a collection of critical essays, artworks, and institutional statements from various cultural perspectives.
With written contributions by:
Andrea Knezović, Angeliki Tzortzakaki, Angels Miralda, Katia Krupnikova, Katja Praznik, Laura Mrkša & Sepp Eckenhaussen, Meghana Karnik, Rita Ouedraogo, Silvio Lorusso, Tia Čiček, Titus Nouwens, Eloise Vo and more.
Read more about the publication here.
San Serriffe
Sint Annenstraat 30
1012 HE Amsterdam
6–8 PM
San Serriffe
Sint Annenstraat 30
1012 HE Amsterdam
6–8 PM

Book presentation by Seasonal Neighbours @ Kunsthal Gent

On 8 November, Seasonal Neighbours will present their book Seasonal Matters Rural Relations - (Field)notes on rhythms, rituals and cohabition at Kunsthal Gent. Together with Kathrin Böhm, and Kunstenplatform Plan B they will present and discuss their new books, with collectivity and the rural as a common thread.
Veldwerk I-III
With Veldwerk, Kunstenplatform PLAN B supports artists/collectives in an artistic research project outside the city. Together, we ask open questions: a search for the value of the small-scale and how to initiate and preserve collective dynamics. During this evening, Kunstenplatform PLAN B presents the publications that were made as part of Veldwerk III. Nina de Vroome, Barbara T’Jonck, Tim Theo Deceuninck, May Abnet and Ánima O. Cassamajor brought their research to life in words and images.
Seasonal Neighbours: Seasonal Matters Rural Relations. (Field)notes on rhythms, rituals and cohabitation
What if traditional relationships, between humans and non-humans, plants, the weather and the rhythm of the seasons, are being lost in the race for profit and for increasingly intensive methods of production? In sixteen contributions, interdisciplinary collective Seasonal Neighbours attempts to observe, record and archive narratives for the existing, disappearing and newly emerging relationships in the countryside.
More info here.
Kunsthal Gent
Lange Steenstraat 14
9000 Gent
20:00 - 22:00
Pay What You Can
Kunsthal Gent
Lange Steenstraat 14
9000 Gent
20:00 - 22:00
Pay What You Can

Double book presentation at Zabriskie "Three Becomes A Tree"

Join us on October 10th at book store Zabriskie in Berlin for the double book presentation of "Three Becomes A Tree"! We will present our latest publications A Tree - A Reader On Arboreal Kinship from Marjolein van der Loo, together with Three Becomes Two Becomes One Becomes None-cosmopoiesis of mandragoras from Leonie Brandner.
The evening starts with tasting of a linden/ginkgo tea. Author Leonie Brandner and editor Marjolein van der Loo will open up the conversation with the audience, led by Onomatopee's publisher Natasha Rijkhoff. Audio of a performed poetic contribution for A Tree, will be shared, together with recordings of Leonie's choir performance as part of the mandragora project.
Zabriskie, Berlin
Thursday, October 10th
Free admission
We’d love to see you there!
Reichenberger Strasse 150
10999 Berlin

Onomatopee presents @ Nieuwe Instituut

Onomatopee presents two new titles at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam on Thursday the 5th of September from 19.00-21.00. You are warmly invited to join the presentation of Seasonal Matters Rural Relations, by Seasonal Neighbours, and Superstorm by Noemi Biasetton with a short introduction by publisher Natasha Rijkhoff.
Please RSVP here:
Entrance is free
- 19.00 Doors open
- 19.15 Seasonal Matters Rural Relations - (Field)notes on rhythms, rituals and cohabitation by Seasonal Neighbours (Anastasia Eggers, Ciel Grommen, Max Rooyakkers, Ioana Lupascu)
- 20.00 Superstorm - Design and Politics in the Age of Information by Noemi Biasetton
- 21.00 Bubbles
Seasonal Matters Rural Relations - (Field)notes on rhythms, rituals and cohabitation by Seasonal Neighbours
Seasonal Matters Rural Relations is a book that reconsiders contemporary rural challenges through relationships rather than oppositions. Based on seasonal work experiences, it delves into the realm of contemporary agriculture and European labour migration, exploring the socio-political implications on rhythms, rituals, and cohabitation in Europe's countryside.
The collective Seasonal Neighbours will casually flip though the book together with the audience while reading from the stills on an unfinished film and other contributions, and reflecting on the ethical and political questions raised by the members during their process.
Superstorm - Design and Politics in the Age of Information by Noemi Biasetton
The Superstorm is a conceptual and narrative metaphor to illustrate the evolution of the relationship between political communication and new media technologies, which culminated in the tempestuous Western political visual culture of today. Within this vortex, complex and unexpected events occur, where politics is mixed with entertainment and communication is hyper-mediated through algorithms, memes and alternative realities.
In this presentation, Noemi Biasetton will trace the development of the Superstorm from the 1960s to the present through relevant case studies, and propose new coordinates that designers may consider in order to, eventually, face its relentless evolution.
Nieuwe Instituut
Museumpark 25
3015 CB Rotterdam
Nieuwe Instituut
Museumpark 25
3015 CB Rotterdam

Book launch Of Dogs and Daughters at San Serriffe, Amsterdam

We are delighted to invite you to our “Of Dogs and Daughters” book launch event, taking place on Thursday 13th June at 20:00 at San Serriffe bookstore (Sint Annenstraat 30, Amsterdam). The launch will include a reading and talk by author Simona Koutná and editor and contributor Susan van Veen.
20:00 doors open
20:30–21:15 reading by Simona Koutná and Susan van Veen
21:15–22:00 drinks
“Of Dogs and Daughters” brings a compelling record of female artists and writers, whose voices have been documented and collected through friendships and chance encounters. While navigating mechanisms of nostalgia aimed at caregivers and children, this book explores images of closeness and attempts to redefine the mother-daughter relationship through a surrogate lens.
“Of Dogs and Daughters” starts at a 1950s film studio in Prague, travels through Dodie Smith's 1956 human-animal inversion, skips about Rome, stays a few nights in Burzanella, Bologna, then tries to follow the dots into the Walt Disney Company, where she is sold for her fur. In the 1990s, her litter now running in the thousands, the spots innumerable, she decides to go and look for her mother.
We look very much forward to seeing you there!
Simona, Susan, Carmen & Natasha
San Serriffe book store
Sint Annenstraat 30, Amsterdam
20:00 - 22:00
San Serriffe book store
Sint Annenstraat 30, Amsterdam
20:00 - 22:00

Workshop and Book launch Seasonal Matters Rural Relations at KIOSK

Please join us at KIOSK Rotterdam for the Seasonal Matters Rural Relations workshop and book launch.
Seasonal Neighbours will start with a workshop exploring the topic of neighbouring, then end with the book presentation and some collective reading. This program starts at 13.00 on Saturday June 8th. Looking forward seeing you there!
Pieter de Raadtstraat 35A
3033 VC Rotterdam
The Netherlands
13.00 - 15.00 Mapping workshop on neighbouring
16.00 - 17.00 Book presentation + collective reading
Pieter de Raadtstraat 35A
3033 VC Rotterdam
The Netherlands
13.00 - 15.00 Mapping workshop on neighbouring
16.00 - 17.00 Book presentation + collective reading

Book launch of Seasonal Matters: Rural Relations at RADIUS, Delft

Join us for the book launch of Seasonal Matters: Rural Relations by Seasonal Neighbours
When: June 7th, 2024, 18:00 - 21:00
Where: RADIUS, Delft
Seasonal Matters: Rural Relations is a book that reconsiders contemporary rural challenges through relationships rather than oppositions. Based on seasonal work experiences, it delves into the realm of contemporary agriculture and European labour migration, exploring the socio-political implications on rhythms, rituals, and cohabitation in Europe’s countryside.
Doors open at 18:00. We will be in the main building on the mezzanine, though it is unfortunately not a wheelchair-accessible space. The event will be in English and will end at 21:00. If needed, we also speak many other languages and can whisper in translation. (RO, FR, NL, RU, SP, DE)
18:30 - Introduction to the collective as a conversation between founder @cielgrommen and artist Ioana Lupascu.
18:45 - Discussion about rhythms and rituals facilitated by @anastasiaeggers & @maximiliaanroyakkers Max and Asia will use their project in collaboration with @clairechassot , Rhythms Of The Fields: Mapping the Work, and some of the field poems in the book as a starting point to explore other entries. You will get to hear from @jonathandemaeyer and @thijsmona among other artists from the collective.
20:00 - Chit-chat over drinks. You can also get your copy of the book!
See you there! 💫

Launch VISIONS BY #5 in Madrid and Barcelona

Join us for the magazine launch in Madrid and Barcelona.
We design for life, death and posterity, all together - while understanding who and/or what is permissible to kill or let die. We try to understand why water is a false dragon and how it gives and takes life. We are encouraged to do some push-ups. We rearrange things made of more things, we steal them and we question their economic value, trying to make sense of it in the process. We dance Kumbia and listen to the earth with the people who work under and on it.
Launch dates:
Nave Sierra, Madrid
June 1st 12:00
Mario Santamaría, Gabriel Calvin and Saúl Baeza in conversation.
In the context of MMMAD Festival.
Oficina de Disseny Offices, Barcelona
June 4th
Talk by Saúl Baeza, Toni llàcer and Ruben Pater.
Music by Sunny Grave
Nave Sierra, Madrid
June 1st 12:00
Oficina de Disseny Offices, Barcelona
June 4th
Nave Sierra, Madrid
June 1st 12:00
Oficina de Disseny Offices, Barcelona
June 4th

- Seasonal Neighbours collective
- Agata Bar editor, artistic research, art writer
- Andrea Knezović artistic research, art writer, editor