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Public Fund

Mondriaan Fonds



Onomatopee 195 / Research / Nov 21 - Dec 20, 2020

Rights of Way

The body as witness in public space
Amy Gowen (curator/editor)

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Onomatopee 170 / Research / May 11 - Jun 23, 2019

Do or Delegate

Entrepreneurial Means and Precarious Ends
Silvio Lorusso curator/editor

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Onomatopee / / August 25, 2018

The do it with others - festival

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Onomatopee 138 / Cabinet / Apr 6 - May 14, 2017


some frames for the wonder of the world, featuring some of the wonders of the world
Doina Kraal

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Onomatopee 106 / Cabinet / Feb 27 - Mar 27, 2016

The Bungalow Book Presentation - presentation

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Onomatopee 64 / Cabinet / November 19, 2012


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Onomatopee 63 / Cabinet / Nov 12 - Dec 18, 2011

Closed Architecture / Gesloten Architectuur

Art, property of politics III

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Onomatopee 67 / Research / October 3, 2011

At how many lux… ?

When individuals encounter ’the system’
Lene ter Haar

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Onomatopee 65 / Research / Jun 10 - Jul 10, 2011

Act / OUT

A call for contact, a call for a clash

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Onomatopee 159 / Cabinet /

Another Version: Thinking through Performing

Philippine Hoegen

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Onomatopee 195

Rights of Way

The Body as Witness in Public Space
Amy Gowen Ed.

€ 17

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Onomatopee 120.3


Anne de Vries (Ed.)

€ 22

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Onomatopee 189.1

RESOLUTION magazine #0: The Pixel

Laurens Otto (Ed.)

€ 10

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Onomatopee 170


everyone is an entrepreneur nobody is safe
Silvio Lorusso (Ed.)

€ 18

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Onomatopee 138


Doina Kraal

€ 30

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